Established in 1973 Faysal M. Qahtani Sons Co. (FMQ) has been providing quality Pipeline, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical work. FMQ has set the standard for Execution, Excellent Value, Fair Price and the highest quality for all its projects so much so that it meets Customers’ specifications.
With FMQ wealth of knowledge and experience gathered over the years, FMQ founders have created a new company (MIZAT ALKHALEEJ HOLDING Co.). It provides its services to public and private organizations in the Kingdom of the Saudi Arabia and Gulf Region.

Scanner mechanical design
Scanner base
The base of the robotic scanner is firmly clamped onto the nozzle feedwater pipe and offers rigid support for accurate positioning of the manipulator that carries the phased array probe. It consists of three main subsystems: the base frame, the clamping/centering mechanism and the rotational degree of freedom.
The base frame is a lightweight and yet rigid structure that supports all components and equipment. It is comprised of two segments, 180° each, that are possible to ‘open’, one in relation to another, to mount the robotic scanner on the nozzle. Afterwards, the base is easily and effectively secured using a latch mechanism.

Automated ultrasonic testing is a family of ultrasonic testing methods that use mechanized means to drive the ultrasonic scanning equipment around the part being tested. Automated ultrasonic testing may also incorporate computer software that can aid the technician when detecting discontinuities. Automated ultrasonic testing reduces the ultrasonic inspection time for many different applications.

Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) is a reliable method of nondestructive ultrasonic testing (UT) used to look for flaws in welds. TOFD uses the time of flight of an ultrasonic pulse to find the location of a reflector. It can also be used for weld overlays and the heat affected zones of other components as well such as piping, pressure vessels, clad material, storage tanks, and structural steel.

Positive MaterialPMIentification (PMI) is a term that refers to the analysis and identification of materials through various nondestructive methods. PMI is able to determine the alloy composition of materials and is a well-established technique that can either be performed in the field using handheld devices or in a laboratory.